Terms and Conditions

Please read these terms of sale carefully before placing your order and retain a copy of these terms and your order for future reference.

These terms and conditions apply to all wines or other goods or services supplied by Fine Wine Library B.V  

The Fine Wine Library B.V is registered on the chamber of commerce KVK reference 80637817

You can contact us by emailing our Customer Service team at [email protected]


1. Website:

The Fine Wine Library B.V makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information on this website. However, this site is provided “as is” and the Fine Wine Library makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy of information contained on this website.

The Fine Wine Library B.V reserves the right to amend all information, including information relating to price and availability, without notice.


2. How to order and payment:

It is against the law to sell or supply alcohol to anyone under 18 years of age. By placing an order you confirm that you are at least 18 years old and of legal drinking age.

All wines are offered subject to continuing availability.

All prices are quoted both In Bond as well duty paid in the Netherlands per case in euros. Order for home delivery in the Netherlands are subject to duty & VAT at the prevailing rates. There are in line with government rates.

Prices may be changed at any time without further notice. We reserve the right to change our product's prices at any time without further notice. However, if you have ordered but not yet paid for a product, we guarantee the price for one month from when the order was placed.

While the Seller takes every precaution in the preparation of its website, catalogs, price lists, and other literature these documents are for the guidance of the Buyer only and statements therein shall not constitute representations by the Seller and the Seller shall not be bound by them. Any typographical, clerical, or other error or omission in any sales literature, price list, acceptance of offer, invoice or other document or information issued by the Seller shall be subject to correction without any liability on the part of the Seller.

We accept most major credit and debit cards including Visa, Mastercard as well as iDeal. Please note that we do not accept Amex.


3. Title

Title to all wines shall remain with Fine Wine Library BV until all sums due from the buyer are paid in full.


4. Delivery

Delivery of all goods will be made to the address(es) specified in the buyer’s order only.

Delivery in the Netherlands is free of charge for orders costing €150 or above. Delivery charges outside of the Netherlands vary.

If wines are being ordered from outside of the Netherlands, import duties, tariffs and taxes may be incurred once your wines reach their destination. The Fine Wine Library B.V is not responsible for these charges and we undertake to make no calculations or estimates in this regard. We recognise that if you are buying internationally the process can be complex and the Fine Wine Library B.V will be on hand to guide you with advice and support.

As the purchaser of the wines, you will also be the importer of record and as such should ensure that your purchase is in full compliance with the laws of the country into which the wines are being imported. Please be aware that wines may be inspected on arrival at port for customs purposes and the Fine Wine Library B.V cannot guarantee that the packaging of your wines will be free of signs of tampering.


5. Quality control and acceptance of wines:

We only source wines from reputable sources, often direct from the wineries official representative/distributor and make every effort to ensure that the wines we sell are of satisfactory quality, appropriate for the age of the wine. We do not ship European wine back from the US or Asia. We only source European stock.

We do not warrant taste or drinkability, particularly in regard to older wines as these may age and develop in a non-uniform manner and we do not bear liability for any differences based on subjective judgements.

We do not provide refunds for wines that are corked, tainted or otherwise out of condition. In such circumstances, any compensation will be made entirely at our discretion.

You undertake to inspect all wines on collection or immediately after delivery and to inform the Fine Wine Library B.V or the shipper immediately of any short supply, damage or other issue. You will be deemed to have accepted the wines as fulfilling your order five working days after collection/delivery, and thereafter will not be entitled to reject wines for any reason.

If incorrect goods are delivered Fine Wine Library B.V will either refund or replace the incorrect goods on return of the cases in question. Please inform us within five working days.


6. Storage

Storage in the Fine Wine Library’s warehouse is free of charge for the first 30 days. The charges thereafter are €0.85 per 6x75cl case / €1.25 per 12x75cl case or equivalent per month excluding VAT.

If you decide to take delivery of your wines, the duty and VAT at the prevailing government rates will be payable.

If Storage is not paid, we reserve the right to liquidate any stock in storage and settle any outstanding invoices.


7. Force Majeure:

The company will not be liable for failure to meet agreed obligations due to prevailing circumstances beyond our reasonable control.


8. Mailing List:

When you place an order with the Fine Wine Library B.V, your contact details are automatically included on our general customer mailing list unless you notify us to the contrary. If you wish your details to be removed from our mailing list, please notify us to unsubscribe.


9. General:

The Fine Wine Library is not liable for any failure to meet our obligations occasioned by circumstances beyond its control.


10. Security and privacy:

The Fine Wine Library B.V takes your security seriously and uses the finest encryption systems. We use the market-leading payment services that are known for their security features, so you can trust that details are kept secure.