Our Pricing Explained

Pricing Explained

Understanding The Product Pages: In Bond vs Duty Paid

You will be seeing two prices on our product pages and they are In Bond and Duty Paid inc VAT.

- In Bond - this is the price of the wine without paying local duty and VAT taxes

- Duty Paid inc VAT - this is the total price you would pay for the wine once you arrange home delivery. Additional delivery fees may apply depending on your location and order size.


"In Bond" buying is a term used in fine wine collecting and trading that refers to the purchase and storage of wine in a bonded warehouse approved by the government. When purchasing wine in bond, the buyer defers payment of excise duty and Value Added Tax (VAT or BTW in Dutch) until the wine is removed from the bond. This means that the buyer does not have to pay duty or VAT upfront, which results in a more flexible cash flow and cost savings.

Wine stored in a bonded warehouse is regularly monitored for optimal conditions and traceability. This practice protects wine against counterfeiting, verifies its authenticity, and increases marketability. In summary, buying wine in bond offers financial flexibility, preservation, and potential cost savings for collectors and investors. Buying In Bond is also a preferred method for En Primeur buyers.

When purchasing wine, the final price is determined by three components: the selling price (also known as the In Bond or IB price), the duty, and the local value-added tax (VAT/BTW). 


Per Unit / Case Pricing

In order to offer competitive pricing and incentives to our customers, we operate as a 'case merchant' with a focus on promoting full case purchases. We understand that customers may prefer the option to buy and try a variety of wines, and thus, we make an effort to provide single-bottle options whenever possible. This allows our clients to broaden their wine selection and enjoy a diverse range of wines while still benefiting from our competitive pricing structure.

Our prices are quoted per unit, and the unit size is specified in the item description. The case sizes we commonly offer, but are not limited to, include: 1x75cl, 3x75cl, 6x75cl, 12x75cl, 3x150cl, and 12x37.5cl. By providing the case size information, we aim to provide transparency and clarity in our pricing structure, enabling customers to make informed purchasing decisions.

A price per bottle is given as an indication only and unit size is final.

pricing explained fine wine library


In Bond Price Example:

In our 'How to Order' section we explain that we have a 2-step process for buying wine. 

Step 1 - Buying the wine: Place the wine in your basket and buy the wine at the checkout using the In Bond price of €280 per case. Once the order is confirmed, the wine will enter your virtual wine storage/portfolio.

Wine storage: Not planning on drinking the wine right away? Then you can leave it in storage paying a monthly fee until you are ready to arrange home delivery. Our storage rates can be viewed here.

Step 2 - Arrange Home Delivery: Log into your account, and select the wines that you want to arrange delivery for. Pay the duty and VAT which in this example is €63.62 (the difference between €343.62 and €280.00) and the warehouse will automatically dispatch the wine to you. The final price paid is therefor €343.62 as advertised.


pricing example fine wine library


Duty Paid Price Example:

Certain wines are not eligible to be purchased "In Bond," which means that the duty and VAT/BTW must be settled at the checkout. It is important to note that the duty-paid status of a wine does not affect its quality; rather, it signifies that the decision was made to pay the government duty upon the wine's arrival in the Netherlands. Wines marked as duty paid can be identified by the orange $ sign and the status "VAT & Duty Paid."

In this specific example, the total price of the six-bottle case, inclusive of duty and VAT, amounts to €417.00 which is the final amount.

pricing summary fine wine library